Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Good Friends and Great Friends

I have a friend
we make polite conversation.
She does not invite me
to parties or games.
We only talk when
I start the charades.

I have a friend
we understand each other
even in unknown languages.
We are always together
and every plan we make
we first consider the other.

Some have many friends
and others have just one.
The most important thing
is to have at least one great one.

by Kayla Jentes

If you want to know more about what this poem is about and where the inspiration came from, write in the comments

The New Lost Generation

The Lost Generation
once a generation of the post-war soldiers
now the embodiment of the post-technology mindset
     Socially overstimulated
     Emotionally numb
     Relationally empty

As if our lives are forever buffering;


for the life we'll never know.

by Kayla Jentes

If you want to know more about what this poem is about and where the inspiration came from, write in the comments